When temporary employment fits

16 November 2020

The tough economic, political, and social landscape has had a major impact on how people view employment security. Permanent employment is generally what we all pursue, but is “permanent” really permanent? If anything, the national lockdown has proven that the term “permanent” employment is just that, a term.

Why the employment war?

There is a perception amongst traditionalists that permanent employment is the only desirable solution. Globally this is not the case. The question is not which form of employment is better than the other, but rather, which form of employment fits in with a company’s growth strategy and an individual’s  multiple job opportunities. Proven in countries such as China, Spain and the USA, a healthy balance between permanent and temporary jobs drives down unemployment while improving productivity.

The temporary employee – when flexibility works

One of the biggest benefits of temporary work is flexibility. As a temporary employee, being in control of which assignment you take and when and where you work, allows the employee time to balance various responsibilities, and offers the additional benefits of exploring a variety of industries and improving their skillset. “Temping” in various roles, and the broader skill and experience exposure this offers, gives an individual a competitive advantage, which ultimately provides access to more opportunities sourced from a single source.

The youth – accessing potential skills

Statistics SA’s 2019 report on unemployment in South Africa shows that youth remain the highest percentage of jobless, irrespective of their level of education. This makes employment trickier for youth with minimal work experience. Temporary Employment Services (TES) plays a huge role in enabling and upskilling youth by providing work experience and bridging the great divide between those without experience and the means to acquire some (work opportunities).

TES, compliance is king

TES agencies show proven results (by independent research) in reducing unemployment levels when they are compliant and operate according to labour legislation. TES walks the journey with the employee with a compliant TES agency offering a reliable, trustworthy link to work opportunities.

Due to minimal work experience, the highest rate of unemployment is among the youth. Temporary work is the answer to breaking into various competitive industries and getting a foot in the door. We need to shift the debate, to how TES can help develop a multi-range of skills for each employee.” – (CAPES rep.)

Many people have missed out on great opportunities within the TES industry because of the negative reputation associated with temporary work. Barriers of outdated perception must be broken – legal and compliant TES agencies provide a stepping stone and an opportunity to grow skills.

For more information, visit www.capes.org.za


About CAPES: In 2002, the need to form a unified body to engage in macro-level activities, to proactively lobby and to form associations with other stakeholders was identified and CAPES was established. CAPES has as its members the four staffing associations referred to hereunder, as well as several of South Africa’s largest private employment agencies.

CAPES has formalised its relationships with various institutions and associations and these include:

Membership of Business Unity South Africa (BUSA), Membership of Black Business Council (BBC), Direct representation at NEDLAC via BUSA and BBC, Engagement with the Department of Labour and other Ministries, Engagement at various Bargaining Councils, Membership with primarily the Services SETA

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