09th April 2017
The newly elected Chairperson Mr Muzi Maziya presided over the two days, which were regrettably poorly attended, as the Board meeting dates were communicated at short notice, therefore a number of board members were unavailable. The Chairperson previously worked at the Department of Labour under the mentorship of Les Kettlesdas, and therefore has a sound understanding of the department and industry.
The key focus was on Employment promotion, the 5.8 million unemployed and job opportunities for the 4.2 million parties registered on the Department’s database.
Day 1: To set the scene for a formal session on Day 2 by focusing on fundamental and topical presentations and discussions.
These included but were not limited to:
The Impact of the recent amendments to s198 of the LRA on the labour market – T Mkalipi
A well-balanced presentation on the steps taken to protect the vulnerable workers.
Addressed the issue of not following the popular call to action “ban Labour Brokers” and the approach taken i.e. regulation.
Characteristics of the South African Labour market: Stats SA
Outlined the structure of the SA labour market and its key defining features including demographics, levels of unemployment and poverty, particularly amongst the youth.
The Changing Nature of Work: ILO, Dr Joni Musabayana
Global best practices in combating youth unemployment which included observations on ALMPs (Active Labour Market Policies) such as the ETI, which needed appropriate targeting and conditionality’s in the programme design. His comments on such programmes were not positive and post the meeting BUSA followed up by forwarding the research undertaken and the work done through NEDLAC prior to the ETI extension announced in January 2017.
Botswana’s approach to internships was favourably commented on.
A broad overview of the displacement effect of technology on labour and its implications for employment services was prepared as a paper, but not presented due to time constraints.
Day 2: To induct / orientate members and for the Board to chart its Annual road-map
Key issues addressed:
Draft ES Board Constitution – only Business had reviewed draft and prepared input.
Draft ES Board Work plan – agreed to a framework and key priorities.
Draft Employment Services Regulations:
• Regulations on the registration of work seekers
• Regulations on Private Employment Agencies and Temporary Employment Services
• Regulations on the procedure for the employment of foreign nationals
• Regulations on the provision of employment services by persons outside of the public administration.
Summary overview
Constituencies to give feedback on the drafts, which held no surprises for Business, but we were requested not to distribute these until the board had had the opportunity to consider.
• The PreAs & TES regulations to be considered, as currently do not appear to create barriers of entry to the non-compliant and greater protection afforded to vulnerable work seekers.
• A proposed registration fee of R3000.00 (three thousand rands) for 3 years.
• The 4th regulation is poorly titled as makes reference to local government’s provision of employment services (s52).
Two further regulations are to be tabled by the ESB by March 2018 regulating:
• Establishment of work schemes in terms of s6.
• Categories of employment for which new vacancies and new positions must be reported s10 & s52.
The minutes of the meeting are currently outstanding and the intention is to schedule the next meeting by late April to mid May 2017.
Submitted on behalf of the BUSA ESB representatives
Bev Jack